July Tips & Tricks for South Florida Landscapes

Summer marks the beginning of Florida’s rainy season, which means lots of water will be running through our landscapes. While it may be very good for some plants it may not be the same for all of them. Rainwater run off from our landscapes is not good for our water supply. Most people don’t realize… Read more »

June’s Tip’s & Trick’s for South Florida Landscapes

June 1st starts the beginning of our hurricane season here in South Florida so preparations should be made to our landscapes to minimize any damage to our homes in the event of a storm.Following a season with the fewest number of hurricanes since 1982, the 2014 Atlantic hurricane season is expected to follow suit as… Read more »

May’s Tip’s & Trick’s for South Florida Landscapes

As spring comes to an end and our dry season continues, preparations have been made to your sprinkler system functioning automatically with rain sensor working. Hopefully in another month or so with the addition of rain we won’t need it. As for this month we will go over the landscape check list of things we… Read more »