Summer marks the beginning of Florida’s rainy season, which means lots of water will be running through our landscapes. While it may be very good for some plants it may not be the same for all of them. Rainwater run off from our landscapes is not good for our water supply. Most people don’t realize… Read more »
Posts Tagged: commercial landscaping
Decembers Tip’s & Tricks for South Florida Landscapes
As another growing season comes to an end, we should look back at our landscape area and address areas that did not do well. A soil sample of that area may be be needed to be taken in order to determine if there was a nutritional problem in the soil or just bad plant selection…. Read more »
October Tips & Tricks for South Florida Landscapes
The hot days of summer are now gone and the first cool (not cold) front to reach South Florida, has been delivered. Cooler temperatures brings with it the opportunity for us to go outside and enjoy our landscape & garden areas. This month we will be discussing several ways to help improve these environments. Fertilizing… Read more »