Now that we have dodged the bullet on the last two storms that have passed through South Florida hopefully we all have learned a little more of what we need to do to prepare for the next one that comes our way. My hope is that for the people new to the area that they… Read more »
Posts Tagged: commercial landscaping
Prepare for the worst (cat 4), hope for the best. Are you ready?? This is what you will need!!
PERSONAL CHECKLIST: □ Flashlights □ Weather Radio □ Extra batteries for the above items □ Water: 3 gallon per person per day for 3 days □ 3 day supply of non-perishable food per person □ Determine evacuation route □ Have a first aid kit ready □ You should have cash or travelers checks □ And matches in a water-tight container is also a good thing to have □ Put new fuel in generators and start them to ensure they will work when the hurricane does comes HOME CHECKLIST: □ When a hurricane or tropical storm is imminent you should sanitize your bathtub with bleach and fill with water □ Board up supplies, put up hurricane panels, close accordion shutters □ You should also do a dry run to ensure preparedness □ Document condition of home before storm… Read more »
Septembers Tips & Tricks for Florida Landscapes
We are well into the wet part of our rainy season. With that, there is no better time than now to take a quick inventory of your landscaping and note any problems that may have resulted from these recent wet conditions. This month we are going to go take a deep dive into the necessary… Read more »